Peter Hall - 5 Star Google Review

I phoned the Boiler Doctor (Steven) because I was having trouble with the boiler cutting out. By the time steven arrived 2 days later the fault had disappeared, but I had one radiator that refused to heat up. After running a few checks and diagnosing a faulty valve, this was quickly replaced. After restarting the system, Steven noticed that the flow through the radiators was not as good as should have been. After examining the pump, he found that the flow of water was very poor even on the fastest speed. This explained why several radiators were taking several hours to heat up and I had suspected the pump before. Steven arranged to return the next day and fit a new pump. Since then, the house has been heating up very quickly, so that I was able to have it come on later, saving energy. Because the system reaches temperature so much quicker, then switches off, I am saving even more energy that way, so thank you Steven for a job well done.